The famous conference held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 is often cited as a milestone in the recognition that climate change exists and that it is a real issue affecting the survival of life on earth. It was also known as being a landmark event where, for the fi rst time, the participating countries signed an action agreement that has since been structured and fi nalized by the Kyoto protocol. The conference at Rio, however, was not only about climate, it was also about biodiversity. But this is not widely known outside the technical-scientifi c circles. Only with the Cartegena Protocol, adopted in 2000, have a variety of actions been taken to protect fauna and fl ora in grave risk of extinction, or at risk by genetic manipulation produced by contemporary biotechnologies. Articles, chronicles, and news always portray the idea of “invasion.” Here, in these pages, the idea is to disintegrate boundaries, not only to melt them, but to invert the general perception of the public in order to salvage what is still remaining of our diverse world. The vision for this is to create a connectivity point, a place of coexistence, which is a mutual symbiosis existing between humans and all other living species on the planet. Love the dissolution of the separation between humans and animals. Invasion: who is invading whom? The survival of the species is often seen as one overcoming the other. By now, our role in the “dismissal” and “fi ght off” of ‘the other’ has revealed itself to be the destructor of our own species. Adaptation is part of the normal evolution of all species. In the past few centuries, however, humans have greatly contributed to the modifi cation of environmental conditions forcing many other species to fast change their habits. At this increasing speed, most probably many species will be driven to extinction with enormous, and not even yet understood, consequences for all of us. Biodiversity warrants the survival and proliferation of all species, including humans, which are certainly not adapting well to the rise of pollution and the proliferation and dissemination of viruses—no matter what we hear about the benefi ts of our progress. |