Applying Properties of Animals Skins to Inspire Architectural Envelopes
Biology influences design projects in many ways; the related discipline is known as biomimetics or biomimicry.
Using the animal kingdom as a source of inspiration, Ilaria Mazzoleni seeks to instill a shift in thinking about the
application of biological principles to design and architecture. She focuses on the analysis of how organisms have
adapted to different environments and translates the learned principles into the built environment. To illustrate
the methodology, Mazzoleni draws inspiration from the diversity of animal coverings, referred to broadly as skin,
and applies them to the design of building envelopes through a series of twelve case studies.
Skin is a complex organ that performs a multitude of functions; namely, it serves as a link between the body and
the environment. Similarly, building envelopes act as interfaces between their inhabitants and external elements.
The resulting architectural designs illustrate an integrative methodology that allows architecture to follow nature.
"Ilaria Mazzoleni, in collaboration with biologist Shauna Price, has developed a profound methodology for
architectural and design incentives that anticipates and proposes novel ways to explore undiscovered biological
inspirations for various audiences."
-- Yoseph Bar‐Cohen, Editor CRC Biomimetic Series
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Credits: i.mazzoleni, s.price | graphic team: r.molina, j.m. san pedro